
Link to Printable Copy of Covenants

Daniel's Crossing Homeowner's Association, Inc. does by this indenture, and by these restrictive covenants and requirements to be entered for record, in the Office of the Recorder of Boone County, Indiana (the Declaration), amends and restates the Restrictive Covenants recorded on July 23, 1996, in the Office of the Recorder of Boone County, Indiana, under Instrument No. 9606780 (the 'Original covenants") in their entirety, and thereafter amended by the ·'Declaration Of Amended And Restated Restrictive Covenants Pertaining To Sections One Through Five'' recorded on November 6, 1996 in the Office of The Recorder of Boone County, Indiana, under Instrument No. 96 l 03 l 0, and does by this Declaration restrict and covenant the Lots and other areas within the boundary of Daniel's Crossing Unit Development, Sections One. Two. Three. Four and five, the legal description of which real estate is set forth on Exhibit A., (the Subdivision), to itself and its grantees, assigns: successors> legal representatives, and to any person, persons, corporations. banks and associations and anyone who may acquire title to any of said Lots or other areas described in Exhibit "A" and graphically depicted by Exhibit "B" both of which area attached thereto the said Amended Declaration recorded on November 6. 1996 as Instrument No. 96103 J 0, as to the following terms, stipulations, conditions. restrictions, easements and covenants which shall apply in their entirety to all of said Subdivision superseding and replacing the Original Covenants, which are void and of no legal effect as of the date or recordation of the Declaration. which is hereby made for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of the Subdivision and which shall run with the real property and be binding on all pa11ics: There having been pursuant to Paragraph 40 (iv) of the Declaration of Amended and Restated Restrictive Covenants Pertaining to Sections One Through Five, mentioned above, the method for Adoption of any Amendments to said Restrictive Covenants, an Affirmative vote of not less than ninety per cent (90%) in the aggregate of all votes to be cast by all owners, the said Declaration is Amended as follows:

I.             DEFINITIONS

(a)Committee·' shall mean ··Board'. 10 be composed of seven (7) persons. namely: President_ Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and three (3) Members-at-large from current homeowners. All seven (7) to be elected by property owners, from among the Owners of the Lots of Daniel's Crossings.

A majority of the Committee members shall constitute a quorum for the conducting of business so long as all Committee members shall have received written notice of a meeting at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance. Committee members shall perform services on behalf of the Committee without compensation.

(b) Association shall mean the Daniel's Crossing Homeowners Association, Inc., its successors and assigns referred to in paragraph JS.

(c) Developer shall mean Daniel's Crossings Corporation, as well as its agents, officers, successors and assigns.

(d) Owner shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entitles, of a fee simple title to any Lot which is a part of Properties, including contract sellers and Developer, but excluding those having such interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation.

(e) Properties shall mean and refer to the Subdivision here in fore described, and such additions hereto as may hereafter be brought within the jurisdiction of the Association.

(f) Common Area shall mean all real property (including the improvements thereto) to he owned or maintained by the Association, specifically including the private easements for the private streets commonly referred to as Sierra Drive and Lakeshore Court, for the common use and enjoyment of the Owners. The Common Area to be owned and maintained by the Association at the time of the conveyance of the first Lot is described on Exhibit “C”.

(g) Lot shall mean and refer to any Lot shown upon any recorded Plat with the exception of the Common area.

(h) Section __. shall mean and refer to the areas identified as such on the Plate.

(i) Plat shall mean and refer to the maps identifying the location and boundaries of the Properties separately recorded with the Office of the Recorder of Boone County. Indiana.

2. LAND USE. Lots shall be used only for residential purposed, and no Lot shall be subdivided unless said division creates two building sites on three adjoining Lots, which building sites comply with the City of Lebanon's zoning and subdivision control. ordinances and with the Declaration. Where an Owner acquires adjoining Lots for the purpose of building one dwelling across the common Lot line, the side Lot line setback restrictions specified in paragraph 5 below shall not apply to said common Lot Line. Drainage easements and utility easements coinciding with Lot lines may not be built across.

3. DWELLING SIZE. No dwelling shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any Lot other than one single-family residence not to exceed three stories in height. Dwellings on all Lots shall have at minimum, attached two-car garages. The ground floor area of the main structure of any dwelling, excluding garages and one-story porches, shall be as follows:

(j)           ln Sections Four and five. not less than 1,850 square feet of finished floor space for a single-story residence. The ground floor area of the main structure of any two-story dwelling shall be not less than I, 100 square feet, which n9 less than total of at least 2.200 square feet of finished floor space in the dwelling.

(k) In Sections Two and Three, not less than I ,600 square feet of finished floor.
Space for a single-story dwelling. The ground floor of the main structure of any two-story dwelling shall be not less than 1,000 square feet, with a total of at least 2,000 square feet of finished floor space in the dwelling.

(l) In section One, except for lots numbered 31,34,40,42,44,46, and 47 at lease 1,200 square feet of finished floor space for a single-story dwelling. The ground floor area of the main structure of any two-story dwelling shall be not less than 750 square feet, with a total of at least J ,500 square feet of finished floor space in the dwelling;

(m) In Section One, Lots 31,34,40,42,44,46 and 47 only, the ground floor of a single-story dwelling shall contain at least J, l 00 square feet of finished floor space. The ground floor of a two-story dwelling shall be not less than 715 square feet of ground floor space with a total of at least I ,430 square feet for the dwelling itself.

4. UTILITY BUILDING AND/OR BARN. A utility building. barn or other accessory building will not be allowed on any Lot, except one gazebo-type structure and one in-ground pool with accessory building/bath house located in the rear yard only. Said accessory building1bath house must be erected as a part of and in conjunction with a privacy fence surrounding an in-ground pool as provided for in paragraph 26 below. Prior to commencement of its construction, any building allowed by this paragraph 4 must be approved as to location and design by the Committee as described in paragraph 7 below.

5. BUILDING SETBACK DISTANCES. Except in Section One between the front Lot lines and the building lines shown on the Plat, no buildings shall be erected, placed, altered, or be permitted to remain. nor shall any building be erected nearer than ten (10) feet to any sideline of a Lot. As to buildings in Section, One, there shall be a total aggregate allowable side yard setback of at least fifteen (15) feet so Jong as each side has at least five (5) feet of clearance. Architectural appurtenances projecting not more than 24 inches, stairways projecting not more than four (4) feet, unenclosed and unroofed porch slabs on the front sides of buildings, steps, and walks and bay windows and attached fireplaces are exceptions to these setback requirements. No house shall be built until the location and grade elevation of said house is physically checked on the Lot and certified by a licensed professional engineer or licensed land surveyor confirming compliance herewith.

6. OCCUPANCY OF STRUCTURES. No dwelling shall be occupied or used for residential purposes or human habitation until it has been fully completed on {he outside, substantially completed on the inside and a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued therefore by the Building Inspector for the City of Lebanon. No other structure or mobile home shall be used at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permanently.

7.ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN No building, wall. fence, or other structure shall be constructed, erected, placed or altered in this Subdivision until the location plan, building plans. and specifications have been first submitted to. and approved by. the Committee as to harmony with the exterior design, quality, and aesthetic appearance of structures already existing, and as to conformity with grading plans, floors elevations. destruction of trees and other vegetation, and any other such matter as may affect the environment or ecology of the Subdivision. The Committee approval or disapproval as required in this Declaration shall be in writing. In the event the Committee. or its designated representative, fails to approve or disapprove any plans and specifications within thirty (30) days after such plans and specifications have been submitted to it, or in any event, if no suit to enjoin the construction has been commenced prior to the completion thereof. approval will not be required, and the related covenants shall be deemed to have been fully complied with.

8.IMPROVEMENT LOCATION PERMIT. In addition to the approval required in paragraph 7 above, an Improvement Location Permit must be issued by the Building Inspector for the City of Lebanon before any structure, improvement or land use may be altered, changed, placed. erected, or located in this Subdivision. A development plan showing house locations and floor elevations, with slopes for positive surface drainage. must be provided. It is an obligation of each Owner to develop his Lot in a way that assures that finished slopes, grades, and erosion control measures comply with soil. water and development plans previously approved by the Committee after completion of all improvements and landscaping.

9.GARAGE OPENINGS. All garages must have automatic garage equipment (to open and close the garage door except within Section One.

I 0. FENCES. Fences require Committee approval before erection as provided in paragraph 7 above. No fence shall be placed on any Lot or boundary thereof that will obstruct reasonable light. air, or view, or will otherwise hinder of damage the aesthetics of the Subdivision. No fence shall be erected in the front yard of a dwelling. Swimming pools shall be properly fenced to protect the safety of others as required by paragraph 26 below. Fences are allowed in easements but are erected at Owner's risk as such fences may be partially or completely tom down by others if they interfere with the installation, operation, and/or maintenance of the facilities for which the easement has been reserved.

11. CONSTRUCTION TIME. All Owners, except the Developer, shall begin construction of a residential dwelling on any vacant Lot purchased within one (I) year from the date of closing on the Lot. Any dwelling, water line. sewer. ditch, or any structure excepting sidewalks, once approved and

under construction, must be completed one (I) year from the date construction starts.

12. Shark Tanks. Storage tanks for the retention of oil, gas or similar materials, whether above or below grade, shall not be permitted in the Subdivision.

13. SIGNS. The only signs permitted to be erected or displayed in this Subdivision are: those required by law a single sign placed by a builder or financial institution to advertise a property during the construction and sales period, a single yard sale or garage sale sign placed by the Owner no more frequently than one day twice each year_ a single sign placed by an Owner to advertise the property for sale or rent. No sign shall exceed nine (9) square feet in size, except signs approved by the Committee or the signs of Davis Homes, LLC or other residential home builders may be larger.

14. Hunting and Trapping.  Hunting and Trapping are prohibited in this subdivision.  Fishing is permitted for homeowners only and their accompanied guest.

15. Sight Distances.  At driveways no one may place. Construct, plant, maintain, allow. or suffer any improvementsô€Š– landscaping, or other obstructions to vision ( excepting mailboxes mounted on simple posts) between two (2) and eight (8) feet above the finished grade with the purpose that at least 150 feet of sight distance will be provided in both directions along streets from points in the driveway of twenty-five (25) feet from the street curb. Where the Committee determines that this rule for a driveway is impracticable or unreasonable. it may allow an alternative that offers the lease hazard and interference with traffic.

l 6. ANIMALS. No animals or poultry shall be kept or maintained in this Subdivision except household pets such as cats and dogs, but no pet shall be kept. bred. or maintained for commercial purposes. Household pets kept shall be confined by fence or leash and kept quiet so as not to disturb the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood. Should an animal be walked by leash, any debris or animal waste resulting therefrom shall be cleaned up, removed. and disposed of by the Owner of said animal. Developer shall have no obligation to enforce this paragraph; rather any complaining Owner shall have the right to do so.

17.VEHICLE PARKJNG. No trucks larger than pickup trucks, disabled vehicles, unused vehicles. campers. trailers, recreational vehicles, boats, or similar vehicles shall be parked on any street, private driveway or Lot in this Subdivision unless it is screened in such a way that it is not visible to the occupants of the other Lots in the Subdivision. Motorcycles must be parked on a private driveway. Street parking is for temporary guest or visitors. This does not include the occupant During snow removal, all vehicles must be removed, and NO PARKING will be strictly enforced. No vehicle of any kind shall park on any street in this Subdivision excepting for a reasonable length of time. The Board shall determine what constitutes adequate screening and reasonable length of time.

18. Landscaping.  The Lot Owner shall landscape the Lot within sixty (60) days ·   following completion of a house thereon, weather permitting, at least in a manner lo satisfy the minimum requirements of the Department of housing and Urban Development (HUD) a copy of the HUD requirements are available from the Developer or the Committee. Landscaping required for sidewalk construction shall be in accordance with paragraph 3 I below.

19.          MAINTENANCE OF LOTS AND IMPROVEMENTS. Each Lot Owner shall at all times maintain the Lot and any improvements thereon to prevent the same from becoming unsightly by removing all debris, rubbish, dead trees, and other materials or conditions that reasonably tend to detract from or diminish the aesthetic appearances of the Subdivision, and by keeping the exterior of all improvements in a good state of repair. Garbage, trash, and other wastes shall be kept in odorless and sanitary containers which shall be emptied weekly by a refuse collection service. All Lots, whether improved, shall be mowed by the Lot Owners or their designated representatives at least twice during each of the months of April through September.

20.          NUISANCES. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried out or allowed to be carried out on any Lot, nor shall anything be done or allowed to be done thereon which may become or be an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.

21.          BUSINESSES. No mercantile building shall be erected. nor shall any manufacturing, wholesaling, or retailing business be carried on in this Subdivision. except certain residential dwellings may be used for a limited time as model homes for the purpose of facilitat1ng the sale of Lots or the homes to be built thereon. Model home use requires the approval of the Committee after January 1, 1999. No day care or childcare centers will be permitted.

22. Home Occupations.  No home occupation shall be conducted or maintained on any Lot other than one incidental to a business, profession, or occupation of the Owner or occupant of any such Lot and which is generally or regularly conducted in another location away from such Lot.

23. DEDICATED EASEMENTS. The Owners of the Lots in this Subdivision will take their titles subject to the rights of the utility companies, the Boone County Drainage Board, and the Commissions of Lebanon and Boone County, and the Association in those certain strips of ground designated utility easements; drainage easements, slope easements, and private streets easements· which are identified as such in this Declaration or a Plat. No permanent or other structures may be erected or constructed on said easements excepting fences and the facilities for which the easements if necessary, to the proper operation and maintenance of the facilities for which the easements have been reserved.

24 Lot Grading. Lots shall be graded so as not to restrict the surface water.  runoff or cause ponding, or stoppage of said runoff over any Lot in this Subdivision. See paragraph 8 above.

25. DRIVEWAYS. Residential driveways shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete. Pavement shall be a minimum of four (4) inches thick excluding sub-base material.

26. Swimming Pools.  No swimming pools where the water is either partially or completely above ground level shall be permitted. Any in-ground swimming pool shall be properly fenced to protect the safety of others. Prior to erection, such fence shall be approved by the Committee as required by paragraph 10 above.

27. Crawl space and Foundation Drains.  No crawl spaces, eave troughs, gutters, downspouts, or foundation drains shall be constructed to discharge water directly onto <1 street or into a sanitary sewer.

28. SIGNAL RECEIVER. No signal receiver in the form of a satellite dish, or other similar device, shall be permitted unless such equipment shall be no larger than two feet in diameter and its location and screening are approved by the Committee prior to installation. No electronic or other type of receiving or transmit1al equipment. including exterior antennas, shall be placed on any Lot without approval of the Committee.

29. SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION. A check valve to prevent backflow shall be installed in every pipe connecting between a dwelling and a public sanitary sewer.

30. UTILITIES CONNECTION INSPECTION. All materials and workmanship in the installation of connections between dwellings and utility facilities shall he subject to access and inspection by the utility companies having jurisdiction. or by their duly authorized representatives or successors, who shall have the right to require correction of any defects discovered.

31.          SIDEWALKS. Each initial Lot Owner taking his title from the Developer, by acceptance of a deed for said Lot, even if not expressed in said deed, is deemed lo covenant and agree to build and maintain in good condition a concrete walk at the sides of all streets upon which his abuts. Said walks shall conform with the lines and grades as established by the Committee. Each said Owner shall be responsible for slope modifications, erosion control. and decorative landscaping as required by the Committee for sidewalk construction. Said walks shall conform to the development plans for the Subdivision on file in the office of the City of Lebanon Commission and shall be placed on a 4-inch aggregate sub-base. Sidewalks shall be constructed within one (I) year of the date of the completion of the residential dwelling.

32.          ENFORCEMENT. If the Owner of any Lot in Daniel's Crossing shall violate or attempt to violate any of the covenants herein, it shall be lawful for another Owner. the Association or the building inspector of the City of Lebanon to prosecute by any proceeding at law or equity the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such covenant, and either prevent him or them from so doing or to recover damages or other dues for such violation. A violation of any restriction herein will not result in reversion or forfeiture of title. If any Owner of a Lot in this Subdivision shall fail to maintain his Lot and/or any improvements situated thereon, or to keep sight distances clear, or to construct and/or maintain sidewalks in accordance with this Declaration, the Committee shall have the right. but not the obligation. by and through its agents and employees or contractors: to enter upon said Lot and repair, mow, clean. or perform such other acts as may be reasonably necessary to make said Lot. and/or improvements situated thereon, conform to the requirements of these restrictions. The cost thereof to the Committee shall be collected in any reasonable manner from the Owner. Neither the Committee nor any of its agents, employees, or contractors shall be liable for any damage that may result from any maintenance or other work performed hereunder. Any fine so assessed against any Lot together with interest and other charges or cost as hereinafter provided. shall become and remain a lien upon that Lot subordinate only to the lien of a first mortgage until paid in full and shall also be a personal obligation of the Owner or Owners of that Lot. Such charge shall bear interest at the maximum legal rate per annum until paid in full. If, in the opinion of the Committee, such charge has remained due and payable for an unreasonably long period of time. the Committee may institute such procedures, either at law or in equity by foreclosure or otherwise, to collect the amount owing. in any court of competent jurisdiction. The Owner of the Lot or Lots subject to the charge shall. in addition to the amount of the charge due at the time legal action is instituted. be obligated to pay any expenses or costs, including attorney's fees. incurred by, the Committee in collection the same. Every, Owner of a Lot in this Subdivision. and any person who may acquire any interest in such Lot, whether as an Owner or otherwise, is hereby notified. and by acquisition of such interest agrees, that any such liens which may exist upon said Lot at the time of the acquisition of such interest are valid liens and shall be paid. Every person who shall become an Owner of a Lot in this Subdivision is hereby notified that the act of acquiring, making such purchase, or acquiring such title, such person shall he conclusively held to have covenanted to pay the Committee all fines that shall be made pursuant to this paragraph.

33. Zoning Code.  To the extent these covenants are silent on any other matters. The requirements for residential development and construction applicable in the AAA Residential zoning district under the Zoning Code of the City of Lebanon in effect at the time of issuance of an improvement location permit shall control.

34. Private Streets Easements. By way of this Declaration. Daniel’s Crossing Corporation, as Developer and Grantor for purposes of chis paragraph. hereby grants and conveys to all Owners of Lots and members of the Association (collectively referred to in this paragraph ·'Grantees'') a right-of-way and nonexclusive easement to the two private streets commonly referred to as Sierra Drive and Lakeshore Court (the two "Private Streets") owned by Grantor and located within the Subdivision as more particularly shown on a Plat. This right-of way and nonexclusive casement entitles Grantees the nonexclusive use of the two Private Streets for ingress and egress. Grantor intends that the two Private Streets he used in a fashion like the use or publicly or municipally dedicated streets within Lebanon, Indiana. This easement shall exist in perpetuity and shall run appurtenant to the Subdivision. The Association, at its expense. shall maintain and repair the two Private Streets as if owned in fee simple by the Association, which said obligation to maintain and repair the two Private Streets shall I be the same as the Association's obligation to maintain the Common Area owned by it. As used herein the term '"Lakeshore Court'' shall include the extension thereof to Lakeshore Drive across and as more particularly described in the plat for Brighton 13ay, Section I, recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Boone County as Misc. Record 123, pages 917- amended to date. Developer also hereby grants to public and quasi-public utility companies and reserves unto itself drainage. storm and sanitary sewer. gas, electric and other utility easements across and within the two Private Streets for such purposes.

35. Homeowner Association.

(a) A nonprofit incorporated association of the Owners of the one hundred nine (109) Lots comprising Daniel's Crossing shall be established by Developer in order to provide for the continuing maintenance and administration of the Common Area of Daniel's Crossing. including. the private streets (to be known as Lakeshore Cou11, Sierra Drive) the lake. any of its related drainage and sewer facilities. and any other expenses related to the operation and maintenance of the Common Area within Daniels Crossing, including the front entrance to Daniel's Crossing located at County Road 250N. Membership in the Association shall commence immediately upon becoming an Owner and continue for as Jong as

ownership of a Lot or Lots continues. At such time as an Owner conveys title and ceases to be an Owner, membership in the Association shall terminate. The new Owner of a Lot shall automatically become a member. Although an Owner need not participate in the administration of Daniel's Crossing. all Owners and the ownership or any Lot or Lots shall be subject to an and all rules and regulations duly established by the Association and shall be liable for the payment of all assessments levied by the Association. Every Owner shall have a right of enjoyment in and to the Common Area which shall pass with the title to every Lot. subject to the right of the Association to charge reasonable admission and other fees for the use of any recreational facility situated upon the Common Area; the right of the Association to suspend the voting rights and rights to use of the recreational facilities by an Owner for any period during which any assessment against the Owner1 s Lot remains unpaid and for a period not to exceed sixty days for any infraction of the Association's published rules and regulations; the right of the Association to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the Common Area to any public agency, authority, or utility for such purposes and subject to such conditions as may be agreed to by the members. No such dedication or transfer shall be effective unless an instrument agreeing to such dedication or transfer is signed by two-thirds of each class of members has been recorded. Any Owner may delegate in accordance with the by-laws, his right of enjoyment to the Common Area and facilities to the members of the Owner's family, his tenants. or contract purchasers who may reside on the property.

(b) Eve1y Owner of a Lot which is subject to assessment shall be a member of the Association. Membership shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of any Lot which is subject to assessment. The Associat1on shall have two classes of voting me1nbership: Class A members shall be all Owners, with the exception of the Developer, and shall be entitled to one vote for each Lot owned. When more than one person holds an interest in any Lot, all such persons shall be members. The vole for such Lot shall be exercised as they dctem1ine. but in no event shall more than one vote be cast with respect to any Lot. The Class B member(s) shall be ·the Developer and shall be entitled to three (3) votes for each Lot owned. "the Class B membership shall cease and be converted to a Class A membership on the happening of either of the following events, whichever occurs earlier: (a) when the total votes outstanding in the Class A membership equal the total votes outstanding in the Class B membership, or (b) on January I. 2004.

(c) The Association shall be responsible for the following: (i) maintenance and repair of Lakeshore Court, Sierra Drive and the common entry way off of County Road 250N, the lake and any related drainage facilities, and such other facilities and improvements otherwise determined by the Association to be for the common good of the Owners and/or Lots and appropriate for Association maintenance provided that the same is part of the private streets easement or Common Area; (ii) payment of insurance, if any and any real estate taxes assessed against the Common Areas of Daniel's Crossing: (iii) determination of general and special assessments levied against the Owners: (iv) promulgation and enforcement of the rules and regulations in the Declaration or as other as duly promulgated by the Owners; and (v) exercise of the rights vested in the Association by the Declaration.

(d) Business of the Association shall be conducted at meetings of the Association. Meetings of the Association may be called by the then-current president or secretary-treasurer of the Association or upon request of the Owners of at least one quarter (1/4) of the Lots. Written notice of any meeting of the Lot Owners shall be personally delivered or mailed by first class United States mail by the secretary-treasurer to all Owners at least twenty (20) days prior to any proposed meeting. Owners shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each Lot owned. All matters before the Association. except as otherwise specified by this Declaration shall be decided by a vote, in person or by written proxy, of the Owner(s) of a majority of u1e Lots. In cases of joint ownership, any joint Owner may cast the votes, corresponding to the Lot or Lots so owned., and once any such vote is case, it shall be conclusive and binding on all joint Owners of any such Lot.

(e) The Association shall have the power to levy uniform, general and special assessments against each Owner and each Lot, without regard to the size thereof relative 10 any other Lot in Daniel's Crossing.

(I) Developer hereby covenants and each Owner of each Lot by acceptance of a deed thereto. whether or not it shall be so expressed in such deed. is deemed to covenant and agree, to pay the Association general and special assessments, such assessments to he established and collected as provided in this Article. Until paid in full, an assessment not paid when due, together with interest thereon (at a percentage rate per annum equal to the then-current Indiana statutory maximum annual interest rate) and costs of collection (including reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs) shall be a continuing lien upon the Lot against which such assessment is made. Each assessment. together with interest and costs of collection as aforesaid, shall also become and remain, until paid in full, the personal obligation of the Owner of the Lot at the time when assessment first became due and payable. The personal obligation for delinquent assessments shall not pass to successors in title unless assumed. If any Owner fails, refuses or neglects to make payment of an assessment when due, the lien for such assessment on such Owner's Lot may, at any time following notice thereof by first-class United States mail of the amount thereof to an Owner and the expiration of ten (10) days from the date such notice is sent, be foreclosed from time to time under Indiana law. or in any other manner otherwise from time to time permissible or provided by law. The Association may at its option, bring a suite against the Owner (and if more than one, either jointly or severally) to recover a money judgment for any unpaid assessment without foreclosing the lien for such assessment or waiving the lien securing the same. In any action to recover an assessment. whether by foreclosure or othe1wise, the Association shall be entitled to recover interest as aforesaid and the costs and expenses of such action, including. but not limited to, reasonable attorneys· lees and court costs.

(g) General or special assessments levied by the Association shall be used exclusively to exercise those powers and advance use purposes for which the Association has been formed by this Declaration and. until Dedication and Acceptance by the applicable governmental or quasi-governmental agency to provide for snow removal from the insuring, maintenance, repair, replacement or reconstruction of the Common Area. including the private streets and the payment of real estate taxes assessed against Common Area.

(h) Until January 1 of the year immediately following the conveyance of the first Lot to an Owner, the maximum annual assessment shall be One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per Lot.

(i) From and after January 1 of the year immediately following the conveyance of the first Lot to an Owner, the maximum annual assessment may be increased each year not more than 5% above the maximum assessment for the previous year without a vote of the membership.

(ji) From and after January 1 of the year immediately following the conveyance of the first Lot to an Owner, the maximum annual assessment may be increased above 5% by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of each class members who are voting in person or by proxy. at a meeting duly called for this purpose.

(iii) The Board of Directors may fix the annual assessment at an amount not in excess of the maximum.

(i) In addition to the annual assessments authorized above, the Association may levy, in any assessment year, a special assessment applicable to that year only for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part. the cost of any construction, reconstruction. repair or replacement of a capital improvement upon the Common Area, including fixtures and personal property related thereto) provided that any such assessment shall have the assent of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes of each class of members who are voting in person or by proxy at a meeting duly called for this purpose.

(k) Written notice of any meeting called for the purpose of taking any action authorized under subsection (h) and U) shall be sent to all members not Jess than 20 days in advance of the meeting. At the first such meeting called, the presence or members or of proxies entitled to cast sixty percent (60%) of all the votes of each class of membership shall const1tute a quorum. If the required quorum is not present. another meeting may be called subject to the same notice requirement, and the required quorum at the subsequent meeting shall be one-half (1/2) of the required quorum at the preceding meeting. No such subsequent meeting shall be held more than 60 days following the preceding meeting.

(I) The annual assessments provided for herein shall commence as to all Lots on the first day of the month following the conveyance of the Common Area to the Association. The first annual assessment shall be adjusted according to the number of months remaining in the calendar year. The Board or Directors of the Association shall fix the amount of the annual assessment against each Lot at least thirty (30) days in advance of each annual assessment period. Written notice of the annual assessment shall be sent to every Owner subject thereto. The due dates shall be established by the Board of Directors of the Association. The Association shall, upon demand, and for a reasonable charge, furnish a certificate signed by an officer of the Association setting forth whether the assessments on a specified Lot have been paid. A properly executed certificate of the Association as to the status of assessments on a Lot is binding upon the Association as of date of its issuance.

(m) Between May 1st and July 10th each year, the Owner shall hold an annual meeting with notice to all Owners in the manner required by subparagraph 35 (k) above. At the annual meeting, the Owners shall elect a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and three at-large Board members to coordinate and handle the day-to-day affairs of the Association and shall adopt a proposed budget to cover, the period from September I to August 31 next succeeding. The at-large Board members shall be elected to serve for a one-year term and may be re-elected annually with no term limits. The officers shall be elected to two (2) year staggered terms. The staggered term shall be implemented as follows. At the 2009 Annual Meeting the President and Secretary shall be elected for a one (I) year term. The Vice-President and Treasurer shall be elected to a two (2) year term. Therefore, all officers shall be elected for two (2) year terms with the President and Secretary elected in even numbered years and the Vice-President and Treasurer shall be elected in odd numbered years. Should a vacancy occur in any office the Board will appoint a replacement if necessary. The budget adopted by the Association shall provide for allocation of anticipated expense in such a manner that the obligations imposed by this Declaration will be met and shall further outline all anticipated expenses and obligations for the period covered thereby. Following approval of the budget. the Board of Directors shall fix a uniform general assessment against each Lot (and the Owner(s) thereof) in an amount necessary to defray the expenses and obligations budge(ed) together with an amount, if any, approved by the Owners to permit contribution into a reserve account in order to defray anticipated future capital expenditures. Notice of the uniform general assessment shall be sent by the Board to each Lot Owner as soon as practicable following the annual meeting. Unless otherwise determined by majority vote of the Owners, the general assessment established shall be paid in full to the secretary-treasurer of the Association in one (I) installment on or before August 31 next succeeding. Upon receipt of payment, the Board shall deposit the amount involved in an account opened and maintained in the name of the Association at a state or national bank having its principal banking offices in Lebanon, Zionsville, or Indianapolis, Indiana. Withdrawals from such account shall be made only upon the approval of the president or two officers and secretary signing jointly and only for a purpose or purposes set forth in this covenant.

(n) The lien of the assessments provided for herein against a Lot shall be subordinate to the lien of a recorded bona fide first mortgage covering such Lot and subordinate to any tax or special assessment lien on such Lot in favor of any governmental taxing or assessing authority. The sale or transfer of a Lot shall not affect the assessment lien. The sale or transfer of a Lot pursuant to bona fide mortgage foreclosure proceedings or any other bona fide proceeding in lieu thereof shall, however. extinguish the lien of such assessment as to any payment which became due prior to such sale or transfer. No such sale or transfer shall release a Lot from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due or from the lien thereof.

(o) The Board shall have the duties set forth in this Declaration and shall attend to and handle the day-to-day affairs of the Association and shall attend to handle such other duties delegated to them by the Owners. All acts taken and things done shall be measured by a standard of reasonableness and the Board shall not have any liability to an Owner, Owners, or the Association unless acting in bad faith in a manner inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this covenant. Notwithstanding the foregoing. in no event (except in the case of a bona find emergency involving a total expenditure not exceeding Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00) or such other amount from time to time established by the Owners), shall either the president or secretary-treasurer have any right, privilege or authority to contract for, solicit, hire or other obtain services or materials which are not included within and covered by the budget then applicable or which are otherwise funded by a special assessment levied in accordance with subparagraph 35 (i) above.

36.          NON-LIABILITY OF DEVELOPER. Daniel's Crossing Corporation and its agents, successors and assigns shall not have any liability to an Owner or to any person or entity with respect to drainage on, over. under or through a Lot so long as Developer has constructed the same in accordance with the applicable plans and specifications therefore as approved by the applicable governmental agency and if the same are constructed in a good and workmanlike manner. Upon the improvement and development of a Lot. the proper handling of storm and surface water drainage shall be the responsibility of the Owner of such Lol, and each Owner by the acceptance of a deed to a Lot. shall be deemed to and does thereby IMDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS Developer against. and all liability arising out of or in connection with the handling discharge, transmission. accumulation or control of storm or surface water draina2.e to. from. over. under or -

through the Lot described in such deed respecting work performed and actions taken by such Owner.

37.          TERM. This Declaration will run with the land and shall be binding on all parties, and all persons claiming under them. for a period of twenty-five (25) years from the date this Declaration is recorded. after which twenty-five (25) years they shall be automatically extended for successive ten (10) year periods, unless a written instrument amending the same is signed by majority of the then Owners of the Lots and has been recorded agreeing to change this Declaration in whole or in part so long as same does not unreasonably increase the burden on any Lot or Owner.

38.          SEVERABILITY. Invalidation of any one of these covenants by cour1 order shall not affect any of the other provisions, which shall remain in full force and effect.

39.          ANNEXATIN, Additional residential property and common area may be annexed to the Properties with the consent of two-thirds (2/3) of each class of members.

40. AMENDMENTS. Except as otherwise provided in this Declaration, amendments to this Declaration shall be proposed adopted in the following manner:

(i) Notice. Notice of the subject matter of any proposed amendment shall be included in the notice of the meeting of the members of the Association at which the proposed amendment is to be considered.

(ii) Resolution. A resolution to adopt a proposed amendment may be proposed by the Board of Directors or Owners having in the aggregate at least a majority of votes of all Owners.

(iii) Meeting. The resolution concerning a proposed amendment must be adopted by the vote required by subparagraph (iv) below at a duly called meeting of the members of the Association.

(iv) Adoption. Any proposed amendment to this Declaration must be approved by a vote of not less than ninety percent (90%) in the aggregate of all votes entitled to be cast by all Owners if the proposed amendment is considered and voted upon on or before twenty-five (25) years after the date hereof, and not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of such votes if the proposed amendment is considered and voted on after twenty-five (25) years from the date hereof. In any case1 provided, however. that any such amendment shall require the prior written approval of Developer so long as Developer or any entity related to Developer owns any Lot within the Subdivision. In the event any Lot is subject to a first mortgage, the Mortgagee shall be notified of the meeting and the proposed amendment in the same manner as an Owner provided the Mortgagee has given prior notice of its mortgage interest to the Board of Directors of the Association. As long as there is a Class B membership, the following actions will require the prior approval of the Federal Housing Administration or the Veterans Administration: annexation or additional properties, dedication or mortgaging of Common Area, and amendment of this Declaration.

(v) Mortgagees' Vote on Special Amendments. No amendments to this Declaration shall be adopted which changes any provision of this Declaration ,which would be deemed to be of a material nature by the Federal National Mortgage Association under Section 601.02 of Part V, Chapter 4, of the Fannie Mae Selling Guide, or similar provision of any subsequent guidelines published in lieu of or in substitution for the Selling Guide, or which would be deemed to require the first mortgagee· s consent under the Freddie Mae Seller's and Servicers' Guide, Vol. I, Section 2103(d), without the written approval or at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Mortgagees who had given prior notice of their mortgage interest to the Board of Directors of the Association.

Any Mortgagee which has been duly notified of the nature of any proposed amendment shall be deemed to have approved the same if the Mortgagee or a representative thereof fails to appear at the meeting in which such amendment is to be considered (if proper notice of such meeting was timely given to such Mortgagee) or if the Mortgagee does not send its written objection to the proposed amendment prior to such meeting. In the event that a proposed amendment is deemed by the Board of Directors of the Association to be one which is not of a material nature, the Board of Directors shall notify all Mortgagees whose interest have been made known to the Board of Directors of the nature of such proposed amendment, and such amendment shall be conclusively deemed not material if no Mortgagee so notified objects to such proposed amendment within ten ( 10) days after the date such notices are mailed and if such notice advises are mailed and if such notice advises the Mortgagee of the time limitation contained in this sentence.

41. AMENDMENTS BY THE DEVELOPER. Developer hereby reserves the right, so long as Developer or any entity related to Developer owns any Lot within the Subdivision. to make any technical amendments to this Declaration or the Plat. without the approval of any other person or entity: for any purpose reasonably deemed necessary or appropriate by the Developer, including without limitation: to bring Developer or this Declaration or Plat into compliance with the requirements of any stature, ordinance, regulation or order of any public agency having jurisdiction thereof; to conform with zoning covenants and conditions; to comply with the requirements of the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Government National Mortgage Association, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Veterans Administration, the Federal Housing Administration, or any other governmental agency or to induce any of such agencies to make, purchase. sell, insure or guarantee first mortgages: or to correct clerical or typographical errors in this Declaration or any amendment or supplement hereto; provided, however: that in no event shall Developer be entitled to make any amendment which has a material adverse effect on the rights of any Mortgagee, or which substantially impairs the rights granted by this Declaration to any Owner or substantially increases the obligations imposed by this Declaration on any Owner.

Each amendment to this Declaration or Plat need be executed only by Developer in any case where Developer has the right to amend this Declaration and, otherwise, by the president and vice-president and secretary of the Association; provided. however. that any amendment requiring the consent of Developer shall contain Developer's signed consent. All amendments shall be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Boone County, Indiana, and no amendment shall become effective until so recorded.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this declaration of amended covenants to be executed this 15th day of May, 2010.